Gästforskare: Mario Brondani
Augusti 22, 2017

Mario Brondani kommer från UBC, University of British Columbia Vancouver, och verksam inom Dental Public Health and Dental Geriatrics. Mario var inbjuden som gästforskare hos ACT i början av sommaren. Han gav bland annat en föreläsning omkring ämnet kvalitativ forskning.
Kort sammanställning av Marios forskningsområde på engelska:
- Public Dental Health: Outreach initiatives within marginalised communities, community engagement/participatory research, and oral health promotion and policy development
- Dental geriatrics: Education, Development and translation (validity) of Dental psychometric measures and Models of oral health in old age (theoretical and empirical conceptualization) culturally sensitive
- Dental Education: Curriculum development and Community Service Learning (the use of reflective journaling as an approach to enhance learning) and the impact of this methodology upon students and the community they serve.